Graf von Faber-Castell Classic Anello Grenadill Tintenroller
The rollerball has the same elaborately designed cap as the fountain pen.
The clip is assembled from several parts with precision craftsmanship and spring-loaded. This ensures a firm hold for years to come. The thread between front part and housing is made of metal. This prevents breakage or wear and tear.
The Classic Anello Grenadill Rollerball stands out from the crowd.
Its high weight, its slim, reduced form and the prominent clip in combination with the material of the surface make it unique.
The Classic Anello Grenadill Rollerball, Anello is Italian for ring, features several fine platinum-plated rings that divide the shaft into segments of gold-plated matt finish.
Currently the Anello ebony writing instruments are not available.
Please visit our shop for pick-up and payment: Our shop in Tübingen
ERROR: Translation for ON_PAYMENT_BY not found! Vorauskasse 446,40€ (7% Skonto)
ERROR: Translation for ON_PAYMENT_BY not found! 456,00€ (5% Skonto)
ERROR: Translation for ON_PAYMENT_BY not found! 456,00€ (5% Skonto)